Developing the Otello Brand

Paperboat was tasked with naming and developing the brand of a revolutionary power-management product for electrical grids.


Otello is a system that uses edge-computing devices at nodes in the grid to deliver performance and fault data instantly to any smart device. It revolutionises power management by providing real-time insight into the grid.

The name Otello is the Afrikaans spelling of the Shakespearean play Othello. It was chosen because of a motivating line from the play that reads, “To thine own self be true”.

The visual concept for the logo makes use of the two “O” letterforms that bracket the word. When they overlap they form an icon resembling an eye. This represents the key brand idea behind Otello: its unparalleled monitoring ability and insight into grid performance. The “iris” of the logomark has in turn informed the treatment of the “T” in the full logo.

Talk to us

Your brand identity is the first point of contact that most consumers have with your company. But making the right connection here is only the first step. Paperboat excels at helping companies align their brand, corporate strategy, and marketing so that you’re making connections with the customers who love what you do.

Get in touch with us and let’s talk about how we can help you.



+27 63 755 3743

Hilton, KZN, South Africa