VECTO is a brand set to transform how the power grid is managed. It is a system that combines a leet of powerful edge computers, installed grid-wide, with data visualisation software that brings lectrical performance to life for grid engineers and managers. VECTO is the only system on the market capable of analysing over 9,000 parameters in real time, streamed to any smart device.
A key challenge in marketing VECTO initially was a disconnect between the naming conventions and identities of the various components of the system. The software platform was named Osprey Pro, the device a VECTO 3, and it was marketed by CT LAB, the parent company. Paperboat worked to rationalise bringing the brands under a single trademarked umbrella, and created a cohesive identity to optimise the return on marketing spend.
VECTO has a wide range of functionality that is as flexible as the individual user’s needs. The difficulty in marketing such as system is twofold: first, one has to create a new category that the power grid consumer does not yet understand or appreciate, secondly, one has to distil these wide ranging benefits into a marketing system that the consumer can appreciate all at once. To achieve this, the allegory of a penknife was created, with each blade of the knife representing a unique facet of VECTOs abilities, and then a communication system built to highlight the areas of highest marketing potential to campaign around.
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